
Friday, October 15, 2004

tangan Besiiiiiiiiii................... Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 14, 2004

18sG Posted by Hello
Evo Posted by Hello

Antara tempat mesti dicium...###

Antara tempat mesti dicium...

Antara tempat yang romantik dan mengairahkan untuk dicium.Perlu cuba dan cari mana yang paling sensitif dan bolehdijadikan tapak mula untuk menggoda.

- Belakang telinga (Boleh naik gairah terutama telingaturut dihembus dengan perlahan)
- Hujung hidung (romantik)
- Belakang leher (romantik dan gairah)
- Dibawah lengan atas (romantik)- Bahu disekitar lengkungan bahu (gairah)
- Tapak tangan (Mengejutkan)- Pergelangan tangan sebelah dalam (mengejutkan)
- Dibawah dagu (steam habis)
- Kelopak mata (romantik)
- Buku lali sebelah atas (menggoda)
- Hujung jari (menggoda)- Tulang belakang (menggoda)
- Belakang badan (menggoda)- Perut (Geli tapi kena masa gairah)
- Belakang lutut (menggoda)

Setiap wanita adalah unik. Cari dan cuba dan jikabetul-betul sayang dan cinta, cium seluruh badan termasuk tempat yang sulit.Yang penting sebelum batang masuk sebaiknya cium dahi tanda sayang.Untuk lelaki, hmmm. Lebih kurang juga. Ada lelaki yang lemah di telinga. Uji uji dan uji.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004


1. Telefon isteri dari tempat kerja untuk bertanya khabar, memberitahu sesuatu yang menarik atau sekadar ingin menyatakan "I Love You".
2. Ucapkan kata-kata sayang sekurang-kurangnya dua kali sehari.
3. Tolong kemaskan katil dan bilik tidur.
4. Tolong terbalikkan stokin atau seumpamanya untuk memudahkan isteri mencuci. Tolong buang sampah tanpa disuruh.
5. Bila keluar out station, telefon isteri untuk memberitahu nombor telefon tempat penginapan dan memberitahu yang kita sudah selamat sampai.
6. Tunjukkan kepimpinan yang baik, suami adalah ketua rumahtangga dan pendidik.
7. Berdiskusi dari semasa kesemasa, jangan ketepikan pendapat isteri.
8. Sentiasa kemas, anggun dan wangi sebelum tidur bersama.
9. Sokong pendapat isteri sekiranya beliau bertentangan dengan pendapat orang lain, tetapi hendaklah secara rational bukannya mengiyakan semuanya...... sekiranya pendapat isteri anda salah, betulkannya.
10. Urut-mengurut isteri atau seumpamanya dari masa kesemasa.
11. Peluk dan belai isteri sekali-sekala tanpa implikasi seksual.
12. Sabar dan tenang bila mendengar cerita dan masalah isteri.
13. Pamerkan kasih sayang bila dikhalayak ramai. Jangan abaikan isteri atau tinggalkan beliau jauh bila berjalan. 14. Bila berpegang tangan, jangan biarkan tangan longlai.
15. Buatkan air minuman atau seumpamanya sekali-sekala.
16. Bila makan diluar, jangan harapkan isteri sahaja yang memilih tempat untuk makan.
17. Sabar bila isteri terlambat sedikit atau dengan tiba-tiba ingin menukar baju yang dipakai atau menukar rancangan.
18. Beri perhatian yang lebih pada isteri dari orang lain dikhalayak ramai.
19. Lebihkan isteri anda dari anak-anak.
20. Belikan hadiah kecil dari semasa ke semasa seperti minyak wangi, jam atau umpamanya, kad-kad ucapan juga dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan kasih sayang dengan isteri.

30 Things Guys Want Girls To Know...!!!

30 Things Guys Want Girls To Know!!
1. We're not as perverted as you think we all are.

2. No matter what YOU say, your ex-boyfriend IS a LOSER.

3. We like you to give us hugs and kisses sometimes too.

4. Don't argue with us when we call you beautiful.

5. Don't treat us like crap, what goes around comes around.

6. We know you're pretty, that's one of the reason's we're going out with you.

7. Don't go into detail about your period. It scares us.

8. If you have cramps and we ask you what's wrong, just tell us it's that time of the month and nothing more.

9. If you really liked us for us, you would let us think that our mustache, beard, or sideburns looked cool.

10. We never shave our legs. So get over it.

11. NEVER ask us if you can put makeup on us. It's just wrong............

12. Don't make bets about us, because one of your friends will tell us, if you don't.

13. When we tell you that you're not fat, believe us.

14. We absolutely do not care about the Backstreet Boys, *NSYNC, 98 Degrees, or what any other guy looks like for that matter.

15. We may not be able to pee accurately all of the time, but at least we can stand up and go pee.

16. Just cause you think you're always right, doesn't mean that you don't have to apologize when you do something "wrong."

17. You expect us to say and do sweet things for you, but it would be nice if you did the same every once in a while. We like to know that you love us.

18. We can't always be spontaneous, so try to help us make the plans sometimes.

19. Don't ask us to beat up another guy for you, cause you might get what you wish for.

20. Never kick us in the nuts "just to see what we would say". That's just mean.

21. Never pretend like you are going to break up with us and laugh when we believe you.

22. Pamela Anderson's boobs aren't fake anymore, but we like yours better anyway.

23. Size doesn't matter, except to idiots who don't want a relationship.

24. PMS is not an excuse.

25. If you want us to put the seat down when we're done, you should put it up when you're done.

26............ Don't tell us how cute your ex-boyfriend was. That doesn't turn us on.

27. And always remember: The way to a guys heart is through his stomach..... and maybe....oh nevermind.

28. NEVER ask us to kiss other guys. You might be that comfy with your friends, but to us it's just wrong.

29. We always notice how funny it is after your rip out our heart, stick it down our throat and still want to be friends.

30. And last but not least: We know you're not always right, but we'll pretend like you are anyway.

0-5 people YoU WiLL HaVe LoTz Of BaD LuCk!
10-15 people your crush will kiss you
15+ people your crush will fall in love with you

SeNd ThIs To GuYs ToO. So ThEy CaN sEe If ThEy AgReE aNd So ThEy CaN sEnD iT tO mOrE gIrLiEs.

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